Projects: Proposed Previous
Computer Vision
Smart Shot
Student(s): Boyko Konstantin, Rechister Lev
Supervisor(s): Yair Atzmon

Finding corresponding points on two cameras watching the same view from different positions.

Project Flower
Year: 2014
Student(s): Vardan Papyan, Emil Elizarov
Supervisor(s): Amir Geva, Prof. Ehud Rivlin

A new robot is being developed in the robotics lab. The robot’s goal is transfering specific owers in a greenhouse from one place to another. The robot is being developed on a Turtlebot paltform which is equipped with a Kinect and runs on ROS.
Our goal was to create a flower detector and reconginer as a ROS node, which can be be easily used by the team who developes the robot.

Computer Assisted Classification Of Adenocarcinoma
Year: 2012
Student(s): Ofer Givoli
Supervisor(s): Dr. Erez Berkovich

The project’s goal was developing an algorithm that classifies images into classes (normal tissue, adenoma, adenocarcinoma). We’ve decided on a set of features to extract from each image in order to train and use a classifier (using the machine learning approach).

Computer Assisted Classification of Adenocarcinoma II
Year: 2014
Student(s): Ofer Givoli
Supervisor(s): Dr. Erez Berkovich

This project extend a previous project done in 2012. The problem domain is images that are the digital scanning of H&E stained tissues taken from the colon. A human pathologist expert segments the images into regions with the one of the following classication: normal tissue, adenoma (almost cancerous) and adenocarcinoma (cancerous).

Person Re-Identification Application For Android
Student(s): Dmitry Altshuler
Supervisor(s): Yair Atzmon

One of the security field related problems is a person re-identification via security cameras. In general, an object re-identification and in particular a person re-identification process faces a few challenges such as low resolution cameras and illumination changes. Therefore, a unique algorithm which overcomes those difficulties was developed.
In my work I have implemented this algorithm with C++ opencv and developed an android application which uses it.

Sparse 3d Reconstruction From A Set Of Images
Year: 2013
Student(s): Vardan Papyan, Batchen Golden
Supervisor(s): Alex Kreimer, Prof. Ehud Rivlin

The goal of this project is to create a sparse 3D reconstruction of a scene from a series of images of it.

Smart Scan Android Application
Year: 2013
Student(s): Dan Abigadol, Eitan Netzer
Supervisor(s): Amir Geva

Developing and implementing an android application that assists the user in placing the camera in an optimal position for scanning a document.

Augmented Reality Advertisement On A Smartphone
Year: 2012
Student(s): Aviya Levy, Shany Shmuely
Supervisor(s): Dan Vardi, Elster Constantine

The method works by recognizing QR codes and display relevant advertisement. Implement an application which allows smartphone users to receive advertisements from android smartphone’s camera in augmented reality environment.

Face Recognition Project
Year: 2013
Student(s): Vardan Papyan, Emil Elizarov
Supervisor(s): Igor Kviatkovsky, Prof. Ehud Rivlin

Our goal was to create a fully operational mobile application which could detect, recognize and track human faces. In order to do that, we have decided to use the Android platform combined with the opencv library. The development of the application was made on Qualcomm MSM8960 mobile device which run a 4.0.3 Android OS. In addition to the application we have built, we also did a research about how well we can use LDA and PCA in order to recognize faces and also about the use of LDA in order to do basic pose estimation.

Fall Detection Using Color And Depth
Year: 2013
Student(s): Gil Ben-Ze'ev and Noam Siag
Supervisor(s): Amir Geva

Today a lot of people have a high probability to fall due to disease or old age. Those people need constant supervision which is very uncomfortable and expensive. In this project we’ve designed a fall detection algorithm that uses color and depth pictures from a Kinect camera. The robot is very user friendly and its purpose is to follow a person wherever he goes and when the person falls, the robot detects that and screams “Mayday!” for help. The fall detection algorithm uses information processing made by the follow algorithm.

Multiple Target Tracking From An Airborne Camera
Year: 2012
Student(s): Yoni Faradian, Dikla Eisinger
Supervisor(s): Ishay Kamon

In recent years there is a growing interest in detection of moving objects from aerial camera. For example, in Wide Area Airborn Surveillance (WAAS) huge images taken from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) are used to detect and track cars over a large area, i.e. entire city.
In this project we will implement algorithms for object detection is such scenarios.

Surgery Simulation Using Image Processing
Year: 2012
Student(s): David Fattakhov, Peleg Harel
Supervisor(s): David Peles

With the high precision that is required during a surgery it may be almost impossible for a human eye to reach high enough precision based on an image taken of the organ or a specific area. The Surgery Simulation was built to overcome this obstacle using image proccessing techniques. Given two 2-dimensional images the application will allow us to mark points on the images and after analyzing the input the robot will move towards the exact points on the organ/area marked on the images and proceed with the needed procedure.

Fast Scale Space Ridge Detection Using Integral Image
Year: 2012
Student(s): Tal Amir, Boris Cherevatsky
Supervisor(s): Dr. Renen Adar

We would like to detect roads in aerial photos by using ridge detection. Due to different road widths, we would like to detect ridges in different scales. In [1] T. Lindeberg (1996) proposed a scale-space ridge detection with automatic scale selection by using Gaussian derivatives. We propose a faster approach that approximates Lindeberg’s solution, plus some additions.

Change Detection In Video Streams Using One Class SVMs
Year: 2012
Student(s): Alon Brifman
Supervisor(s): Assaf Glazer and Prof. Michael Lindenbaum

Change-detection methods in video streams have varies applications in health monitoring, video surveillance, and quality control systems. These methods’ goal is to find objects of interest in an image sequence. For this purpose, it is common to detect objects by comparing new images with a representation of the background scene. In order to do so, one has to model the background first. Using machine learning algorithms it is possible to try and learn the background model from a sample of the scene. One of these learning methods is the “One Class SVM.”
In this project we use a blocked-based approach (meaning we divide each frame in a video to several blocks) in order to learn and model the background in a video using one class SVMs, thus detecting anomalies. We test several feature extraction methods, as well as probabilistic methods to estimate whether a change occurred or not. Experimental results may be found in the attached video.

Large Databases For Object Recognition
Year: 2012
Student(s): Cirill Aizenberg, Dima Altshuler
Supervisor(s): Erez Berkovich

With the advent of the Internet it is now possible to collect hundreds of millions of images. These images come with varying degrees of label information. Semi-supervised learning can be used for combining these different label sources. However, it scales polynomially with the number of images. In this work we utilize recent results in machine learning to obtain highly efficient approximations for semi-supervised learning that are linear in the number of images. This enables us to apply semi-supervised learning to a large database of images gathered from the Internet.
In our project we have implemented one of the new and the promising algorithms that can be found in the computer science community.
This Algorithm is taken from the SSL (Semi Supervised Learning) field. It uses a small amount of classified data to classify a large data base effectively.

An Algorithm For Multiple Target Tracking I
Year: 2011
Student(s): Naseem Mahajna and Muhammad Zoabi
Supervisor(s): Ishay Kamon

In this project the students have implemented an algorithm for multiple target tracking. Graph algorithms are used for efficient computation of association and tracking problems.

Background Objects Identification Using Texture And Color
Year: 2011
Student(s): Ilya Gurvich
Supervisor(s): Tamar Avraham

Winner of the Amdocs excellent project award for 2010!

In this project we implemented background objects identification using their texture and color features. We used a feature vector composed of HSI color histograms, edges direction histogram and statistics of a grey-level co-occurrence matrix. We used an SVM classifier and we found its optimal parameters. We also introduced an improved feature vector that positively influenced the accuracy rate. In addition, we implemented a whole region classification by using weighted voting of the patches contained within. This project was then incorporated into a larger research in which a global context in the image was also used.

Cell Counter Project
Year: 2010
Student(s): Leon Brandes
Supervisor(s): Roman Sandler

Some routine medical tasks may be automated to increase their efficiency and diminish their dependency on the human factor. One of such tasks is cell counting. In medical research hundreds of gray-level cell images are taken in order to count them manually. In a typical image, e.g. image 1, there are tens of cells. Nowadays a researcher has to count these cells manually, which is a monotonous time consuming procedure. A computerized automatic cell counter is essential to simplify and standardize this task.

People Counter
Year: 1999
Student(s): Hanoch Goldstein

This project uses video image processing in order to detect motion and analyze it so people entering or leaving will be counted. The program will first ask the user to choose the area on the screen where the image processing will take place. After that two counters will indicate the number of people who entered the area and the number of people who left the area. A third counter indicates the accumulated total of people in the room (number of people who left the area subtracted from the number of people who entered).

SAVion Software
Year: 2005
Student(s): Guy Pittelko and Leonid Beder
Supervisor(s): Prof. Alfred M. Bruckstein, Eliyahu Osherovich and Ronen Keidar

A tool to analyze several coordinative tests using of computer vision. today, all of these tests are being measures manually using stopwatches and other measuring instruments, and thus have a large tendency for error. It also has a strong infrastructure thus allowing future expansion of the system to new tests and ideas.

The SAVion software (Sports Analysis by computer Vision) was developed as a project in intelligent systems and advanced programming in the Technion’s ISL (Intelligent Systems Laboratory), Haifa.
The project was brought forth by Dr. Mark Wertheim from the Wingate institute. Dr. Wertheim proposed to use computer vision to analyze several coordinative tests, and explained that such a system can widely contribute to the efforts of all sports trainers.
Even today, all of these tests are being measures manually using stopwatches and other measuring instruments, and thus have a large tendency for error.
The SAVion software is a tool to analyze some of these tests, using a digital camera and a computer, using which it measures the needed parameters. It also has a strong infrastructure thus allowing future expansion of the system to new tests and ideas.

The project was developed under the supervision of Prof. Alfred M. Bruckstein, the guidance of Eliyahu Osherovich and technical support by ISL’s chief engineer Ronen Keidar.

Terrain-aided navigation
Extracting Angles From an Image
Year: 2015
Student(s): Li-tal Kupperman, Ziv Nachum
Supervisor(s): Yair Atzmon, Aram Movsisian

This project is a part of a bigger project. The main objective of the project is to land a quadcopter on a moving target, using the image stream form the camera, mounted on the quadcopter.
The objective of this part of the project is to extract the angles of the taken image, which represents the position of the quadcopter in the world, with respect to the target in real world. This way, the quadcopter will be able to determine its next step, in order to approach the target.

Optimally Coverage of Unknown Indoor Environment for a Mobile Robot Using Android Application
Year: 2015
Student(s): Nadine Toledano, Ori Ziskind
Supervisor(s): Majd Srour

This project objective is to develop an Android application which implements the STC on-line algorithm as developed and shown in [1]. Our project’s goal was to implement an optimal navigation application of unknown bounded planar, on an Android device along with solving the problem of controlling a mobile robot in real-time. We achieved those challenges by utilization of the device’s camera, for getting input on the neighborhood environment, and avoiding obstacles. As well, we used a IOIO platform, which is attached to the robot, to manage and control the robot movement. We produced an Android application thats implements the on-line STC algorithm, and communicate with the IOIO board, sending it movement commands accordingly.

Monocular Vision Assisted Odometry
Year: 2015
Student(s): Giorgio Tabarani, Christian Galinski
Supervisor(s): Amir Geva

The goal in this project was to come up with an algorithm based on a somewhat cheap accessory one can attach to a robot and determine the distance to an obstacle. This accessory is a camera which can be found anywhere nowadays from mobile phones to tablets and wearables and standalone cheap cameras which can cost no more than $5.

Ground Control Station for UAV Quadcopter
Year: 2015
Student(s): Ran Glait, Kfir Nir-Zvi
Supervisor(s): Majd Srour

Autonomous Quadcopters are used to different purposes where they are required to navigate from a starting point to a destination point in its area. Thus, a GCS (Ground Control Station) should have information about local and target positions of the UAV.

Detecting moving objects in freely moving camera
Year: 2014
Student(s): Amer Sheeny, Foad Rezek
Supervisor(s): Udi Barzelay, Dror Porat, Prof. Ehud Rivlin

With the significant growth of moving camera platforms like smartphones, robots and vehicles; a large portion of the video content is captured by moving cameras, and there is vital need for algorithms that isolate “interesting” objects in the captured videos. These “interesting” objects are often moving objects.
The main challenge in this domain is distinguishing the motion induced by moving the camera itself, from the motion induced by the moving objects.

Building A Non-Euclidean Roadmap From A Small Set Of Images
Year: 2013
Student(s): Alexandra Levinsky, Majd Srour
Supervisor(s): Prof. Ehud Rivlin

In many tasks a mobile robot is required to navigate from any initial position to a desired position in its environment. This kind of task will require a global localization technique that allows the robot to operate without prior knowledge about its position and recover from odometry errors. Thus, the representation of the target position has to provide enough information for global localization. Such a representation should be robust with respect to minor changes in the environment.
Prevalent approaches to the navigation problem are model-based navigation and appearance-based navigation. Model-based approaches rely on knowledge of a 3D model of the environment. The localization is then performed by matching the global model with a local model deduced from sensor data .The model-based approaches require that either a map of the environment be provided, or that it be built by the robot. The latter is usually termed SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Map Building).
The appearance-based approach does not require a 3D model of the environment. It has the advantage of working directly in the sensor space.
Our work is in the domain of the appearance-based approach. The goal is to implement [1] for an autonomous robot given a small set of images: these are taken in the preparation stage, with the robot’s camera, by the user in order to describe the environment. The positions from which the images were taken are the target locations.
Each image represents the position and orientation from which it was taken. Each image defines a region in the configuration space from which the image can be matched.
In the learning stage the robot autonomously explores the environment, locates the targets, and builds a graph of the paths between them. The exploration is driven by the coverage problem. After the learning stage the robot can navigate to any target in the environment from any position using the graph.

Autonomous Navigation Based On 2-Point Correspondence Using ROS
Year: 2014
Student(s): Li-tal Kupperman, Ran Breuer
Supervisor(s): Majd Srour, Prof. Ehud Rivlin

מטרת הפרוייקט הינה הרצת אלגוריתם ניווט של רובוט למטרה מוגדרת מראש, בעזרת כלים ויזאוליים בלבד. תנועת הרובוט מתבצעת על גבי משטח מישורי, בחדר שלא מופה מראש.

הרובוט מקבל כקלט תמונת מטרה שצולמה מנקודת המטרה, אליה אמור הרובוט להגיע. בעזרת מצלמה המותקנת על גבי הרובוט, הרובוט מצלם תמונות תוך כדי הניווט. בעזרת תמונות אלו, ועל בסיס השוואה בין תמונה שנלקחה בצעד מסוים, למול תמונת המטרה, הרובוט מחשב את צעד ההתקדמות הבא לעבר המטרה.

החישוב נעשה בעזרת essential matrix בעלת מבנה ייחודי המתאים לתנועה מישורית. מבנה ייחודי זה מאפשר לבנות את ה-essential matrix על בסיס התאמת שתי נקודות בלבד (2-point correspondence ).

במימוש הפרוייקט השתמשנו ברובוט של Pioneer, מצלמת IP של AXIS .

השליטה ברובוט מבוססת כולה על: ROS – Robot Operating Systems , תוך שימוש ב-nodes ששולטים על חלקיו השונים של האלגוריתם.

Troid: The Tracking Android
Year: 2013
Student(s): Hani Assad, Shady Mansour
Supervisor(s): Majd Srour

– Perform real time tracking using android smartphone
– The target is red colored paper, it is distinguished solely by its color
– The Smartphone controls a Rover5 robot using the microcontroller IOIO board

Navigation Using Color And Depth
Year: 2012
Student(s): Assaf Cohen, Hila Sastiel
Supervisor(s): Amir Geva

For any mobile device, the ability to navigate in its environment is one of the most important capabilities of all. Robot navigation means its ability to determine its own position in its frame of reference and then to plan a path towards some goal location. In order to navigate in its environment, the robot or any other mobility device requires representation i.e. a map of the environment and the ability to interpret that representation.

Quad-Rotor Control
Year: 2011
Student(s): Eran Nissim, Asaf Tal
Supervisor(s): Leonid Mirkin

A quad-rotor type X-3DBL UFO helicopter is used in our project. The project goal is to learn the quad-rotor dynamics and create a control algorithm that will stabilize its orientation. The quad-rotor is initially equipped with a 3DOF gyro . In addition to the gyro, an Xsens IMU added.

The IMU contains 3DOF gyro, 3DOF accelerometer , barometer and GPS unit. With the help of the IMU and with the measurements of the platform acceleration and rate in all 3 axis we succeed estimating the platform angles, controlling and stabilizing the platform orientation. The quad-rotor can receive a reference input to the platform angles : psi, theta, phi; and successfully track the reference without any errors. The communication to the platform is with a communication box that has 2 controlling channels: 1. Manual control – wireless communication that controls the platform. 2. Auto control – control with the MATLAB code, this option is wired and not wireless because of the high sampling rate of the IMU (512Hz).

Tracking A Person Using Color And Depth (Kinect) Images
Year: 2011
Student(s): Assaf Cohen, Hila Sastiel
Supervisor(s): Amir Geva

Our project uses both color and depth images taken from “Kinect”- a popular depth camera, to segment the picture and find all the objects in the scene. The depth channel enables us to find the edges of objects that have similar colors, while the color channel helps us to distinguish between adjacent objects. After the preceding process, we use a classifier, which is based on SVM (Support Vector Machine), to identify each person in the scene and build a color histogram for him.

Finally we choose the person that his histogram has the highest similarity to the one of the tracked person.

Quadrotor Simulation
Year: 2014
Student(s): Michael Chojnacki

This report presents a Quad-rotor simulation built for the Intelligent Systems Lab at the Computer Science Faculty at the Technion IIT.
Different projects at the lab use quadrotors as platforms for research, mainly in the computer vision aided navigation field. A tailor made quadrotor simulation responds to the need to fully understand the system dynamics, the control laws and sensors modeling, in order to assess the algorithms developed in the frame of the research prior to flight testing.